In industry,natural materials difficult to get are often replaced by plastics. 在工业中,不易获得的天然材料常常被塑料所代替。(用“被”)
Last year the region,wasvisitedbytheworstdroughtin60 years · 去年,该地区遭受了60年来最严重的旱灾。(用“遭受”)
Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colors.自然光或“白”光,实际上是由许多颜色组成的。(用“由”)
Rivers are controlled by dams.拦河堤把河流控制住了,(用“把”)
For separating iron from the impurities the iron ore must be melted,为了使铁跟杂质分离,铁矿石必需经过冶炼。(用“经过”)
For a better understanding of the present invention, two embodiments thereof will now be described by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings. 为了更好地理解本发明,两个实施方案现通过举例和附图加以说明。(用“加以”)
The definitions of terms relating to tension testing appearing in the Definitions of Terms Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing (ASTM Designation:E6)shall be considered as applying to the terms used in these methods of tension testing. “有关机械试验方法术语之定义”(ASTM命名:E6)中出现的涉及拉伸试验术语的定义,被认为适用于本拉伸试验中所用术语。(用“被”)
Rubber is found a good insolating material.人们发现,橡胶是一种良好的绝缘材料。(外加主语“人们”)
A detailed calculation of utilizing solar ponds for generation of electricity and seawater desalination are presented.本文对利用太阳能蓄热池发电与海水淡化提出详细计算,(外加主语“本文”)
Copper articles have been used for several thousand years.人们使用铜器已数千年。(外加主语“人们”)
The determination of trace concentrations of mercury in biological materials is described.本文讨论生物体中痕量汞的测定。(外加主语“本文”)
The result of the invention of the steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical Power.蒸汽机发明的结果是,机械力代替了人力。
Tapping or removing the molten iron from the furnace is done every 4 or 5 hours,炉子每四、五小时出铁一次。
But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry ,playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade. 但是,经济制度却说服我们去购买商品,直到我们进入‘金字塔之墓’而告终,这个金字塔是由转移我们对赤裸裸愚蠢行为注意力的分期付款、抵押贷款、怪诞小物以及各种玩物筑成的。
The discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of science.此项发现在科学界得到高度评价。(此句也可采用变状语为主语的译法,如“科学界对此项发现给予高度评价。”)
Each payment to be made hereunder shall be made in U. S dollars.本协议中的各项支付应用美元。
Steam which is admitted to a cold engine cylinder is liable to be partially condensed by contact with the cylinder walls.进入冷发动机汽缸的蒸汽,遇到汽缸壁就部分冷凝。
Recent work has demonstrated, however, that cast irons can be hot forged, hot rolled, and warm rolled. 然而,最近的研究工作表明,铸铁可以热锻、热轧或温轧。
The patina way be protected or permit further corrosion leading to deep and penetrating attack.铜绿可能会保护金属,也可能会让金墀受到进一步的腐蚀,进而向深部穿透。
Feedwater to be heated is circulated through tubes in the shell in heat exchange relation to the steam whereby a portion of the steam is condensed.待加热的给水,通过汽包内管子进行循环,并与蒸汽发生热交换,这样,部分蒸汽冷凝。
Seamless tubes without joins are made in various ways.可用不同方法制造没有接缝的无缝管。
Details of other techniqu3S used to preserve corroded, artifacts can be obtained from numerous books and articles.欲知保存已腐蚀器件之其他技术细节,可查阅大量文献。
Sintered or cemented carbides are produced by using powder metallurgy techniques.硬质合金是用 粉末冶金工艺生产的。
Nodularizing elements such as magnesium or the rare earths can be utilized to produce the structures desired.像镁或稀土之类的球化元素,可用来生产所需的铸铁。
Additional International Standards may beaddedto the series in the future.将来还可能对本系列 标准增加若干国际标准。
After defining the requirements of the test,the appropriate International Standard can be selectedby following the bars along the appropriate vertical line.确定测试要求后,按照标杆,顺着合适的垂线,就能选取适当的国际标准。
Measurements of the bath temperature may be taken at a time sufficiently in advance of the end of refining period so adjustment caw be made thereto.在精炼期结束前,每次都要对熔池温度作充分测定,以便对此加以调整。
Many programs are now televised in color.现在播送的许多电视节目是彩色的。
These machines are operated by a worker only.这些机器只是由一名工人操作的。
A cast iron is defined as an iron containing carbon in excess of the solubilities in the austenite that exists in the alloy at the cuteetic temperature.铸铁的定义是:在共晶温度下含碳量超过奥氏体之溶解能力的铁碳合金。
The aerial shall be so designed and manufactured as to present no danger in use, particularly as regards personal protection against electric shock. 天线的设计和制造应做到:在其使用过程中,不发生危险,特别要防止人身电击。
Many articles were cast and then hammered in the cold condition giving the distinctive, distorted, cored-structure that has been found in microstructures of artifacts. 许多制品都是先浇铸,然后再经冷态锻打而成的,结果造成制品显微组织中特殊的畸变管状结构。
1. The principle of…is outlined.本文概述…的原则。
2. The apparatus for…is described.本文描述…的装置。
3. Automation of…is dissussed.本文讨论…的自动化。
4. An account of…is given.本文叙述…。
5. The use of…is addressed.本文论述…的应用。
6. The mechanism of…is examined.本文探讨…的机理。
7. The dependence of…was established.本文确定…的关系。
8. A analysis of…was carried out.本文作了…的分析
1 ~ 8常用句型,一开头就用一个名词短语(主语+修饰语)来突出题旨(信息中心),开门见山,直截了当,使人对论题产生先声夺人的印象,因此在科技文献中经常采用。以上句型中的谓语动词还常用be studied,bedetermined,be investigated,be presented,be proposed,be obtained等。常用三种被动时态:1. 一般现在时(is studied);2. —般过去时(was studied);现在完成时(has been studied)。
9. It is said that…据说
10. It is well known that…众所周知
11. It is believed that…大家相信
12. It is reported that…据报导
13. It is learned that…据闻,已经查明
14. It is found that…据发现,人们认为
15. It is(usually)considered that…据(通常)估计,人们(通常)认为
16. It is thought that…有人认为
17. It is universally accepted that…普遍认为
18. It is taken that…人们认为,有人以为
19. It is regarded that…人们认为
20. It is generally agreed/recognized that…人们通常认为/承认
21. It is noticed/noted that…人们注意到/前面已经指出
22. It is announced(declared,claimed)that…据称,有人宣称
23. It is sometimes asked that…人们有时会说
24. It will be seen(from this)that…(由此)可见
25. If. should be pointed out that…必须指出
26. It must be admitted that…必须承认
27. It is supposed that…假定,据推测
28. It may be safely said that…可以有把握地说
29. It is asserted that…有人主张
30. It has been shown (stated)that…有人指出, 据称
31. It has been illustrated that …据说明,据图示
32. It is predicted (calculated, estimated) that …据估计,预计
33. It is expected that…人们希望
34. It is understood that …不用说,大家知道
35. It is suggested that...(有人)建议
36. It is demonstrated that…据证实,已经证明
37. It is recommended that …有人推荐(建议)
38. It is decided/arranged that …已经决定/商定
39. It cannot be denied that…无可否认
40. It is stressed that …人们强调说
41. It is mentioned that …据说
42. It is assumed(hypothesized) that…假定(假设)
43. It is proposed that…有人提议(指出),一般认为
44. It has been viewed that …讨论了,检查了
45. It is enumerated that …列举出
46. It has been proved that…已经证明
47. It is hoped /still to be hoped that…(我们)希望/仍应希望
在9 ~ 47“It+be+过去分词+名词从句”的句型中,以it作形式主语,使句子结构保持平衡,同时避免使用不必要的名词或人称代词,以减少主观色彩。常用主要三种时态的区别在于:一般现在时,表示没有时间性的“讨论”、“报导”、“提出”等;一般过去时,表示转述已发表文献的报导、讨论和研究内容,也用来表示已做的工作或分阶段研究中的情况;现在完成时,表示某项研究或状态已经完成,强调其影响和作用,或是这项研究或状态还在持续。谓语中情态动词的区别在于:will通常表示由一事物导出另一事物的必然性,也可表示希望或建议,无制约性;could表示基于客观事实的判断或推测;must表示必要性;may表示可能、推测或许会发生的事,不带强制性;can表示客观的可能性,或在指定场合、规定条件下的可能性;should也表示应当或必要,但不如shall坚定,语气较委婉,不带制约性,往往有这样才确当之意 。shall是契约、法令、公告中表示义务或规定的常用情态动词,带有指令性、强制性和约束力 · 试比较下列七句中“be+said”的译法:
1. Nitrogen cannot be said to support combustion.可以说,氮是不助燃的。
2. Heis saidto be immune to that disease.我们认为,他对那种疾病具有免疫力。
3. Itis saidthat that women have a slight higher temperature than men.据说,女性体温略高于男 性。
4. People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.不能辨别颜色的人,叫做(称为)色盲。
5. It is said to be the most compact device of its type designed for the handicapped.据说,在专为残疾者设计的同类装置中,这种结构是最精密的。
6. All that has been said so far applies equally to a benign and a malignant tumour.上述种种,同 样适用于良性肿瘤和恶性肿瘤。
7.It will be said that mechanical engineers are involved in the development of new devices and systems for useful purposes .有人会说,机械工程师 是从事研制新装置和新系统以供实际应用的。
1. The use of silver as a conductor is limited because of its cost.
2. For a long time special observations were made of the changes of these gases under different pressures and temperatures.
3. The physical properties of the synthetic sub-stance, which is the common name for man-made materials9 have been chosen9 and even emphasized, so that it would be of the greatest use in the field in which it is to be applied,
4. All original and copy of documents called for under this credit must be manually signed and submitted either in English or Arabic.
5. It is claimed that the accident was caused by mischief-making by a disgruntled employee and not by operational inadequacies remains untested.
6. This method should not be used when it is feasibleto use a more precise method.
7. The relation between mineralogical composition of the ore, flotation reagent consumption and concentration results had been hardly touched upon in publications.
8. When a pressure welding process is employed, it will be necessary to modify or extend, said requirements to ensure that adequate precautions are taken for the avoidance of faults peculiar to said process used.